Saturday, March 19, 2016

12 Days of Christmas Part 2

There is no partner writing for this post since I got all the text for it off of Facebook.

I love beginning the new year intentionally focusing on the Savior. To me, doing these traditions brings hope that even though we struggle and fail and make our pitiful efforts to be like Him, at least we are trying!

12 Days of Christmas, Day 7: One of the roles that I enjoy the most as a mother is that I have taken on being the family historian. Keeping a record is important to me because I have learned that the way an event is recorded can become more important than the event itself from a historical point of view. 
I feel like an equal partner with Kent as he gives them a father's blessing because he is speaking the words in the moment and I am writing them down to be read and remembered with them in times of need.
We had had a ruckus night. And just a weird day. I almost thought we wouldn't be able to pull this tradition off. But as Kent began to bless each of our children a peace came over us that was tangible. It was a sweet experience. As I was putting Caleb to bed he asked if I could read one of his new BoB Books with him and I said ok. He read the whole thing with me only prompting him three or four times. When he finished he looked up at me, his eyes shining with excitement, and said "Mom! Dad blessed me to be able to learn to read and love books this year and it is definitely working!!" I agreed and gave him a big hug. His faith is so pure! God loves each of us. He is just waiting to bless us!

This morning for the 12 days of Christmas we went to the temple as a family! I can't wait until we can all go inside! smile emoticon 
Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple after he had been circumcised and given a name at 8 days old, that is why we go on the 8th day. 
I know the temple is the House of the Lord.

Jenna got snow in her boots when she climbed over the plowed snow hill so she was done, but everyone else had a great time.

Today for the 12 days of Christmas we had to do one and a half pages. The half page taught us about Christ fasting and the power we gain when we fast, and the whole page was about Christ being obedient and getting baptized even though he didn't need to. Natalie bore her testimony today at church about following His example, and also fasted for Macin without me reminding her too (our extended family member is still missing and she says she is not giving up on him!!). It struck me that my children are much stronger and more valiant than I give them credit for. They teach me everyday! Happy Sabbath to you!

Messiah sing-along for the 12 days of Christmas today as we put away decorations smile emoticon 

Happy Twelfth Night! We had a King's Feast to commemorate the Wise Men, complete with wassail and epiphany rolls! 
I think it is significant to note that the first recorded miracle we have from Jesus' life is him helping his mother who was the hostess of a feast. Gathering with family and friends for special occasions was important to Him too!! 
In keeping with tradition I hid a dry bean in four of the rolls. Curtis Anderson please thank your parents for their recipe and tell them that the rolls aren't as good when I make them as I remember them being when you guys would bring us some for Epiphany Day!
In keeping with tradition I hid a dry bean in four of the rolls. Curtis Anderson please thank your parents for their recipe and tell them that the rolls aren't as good when I make them as I remember them being when you guys would bring us some for Epiphany Day!smile emoticon

The kids helped throughout the process (especially Natalie!) but this is the only picture I got- right after the first pan of rolls came out of the oven and while we were making the peppermint brownies.

The only night of the year I drink sometime other than water at a meal!

Jenna prepared a place setting for her baby as well.

Natalie found a bean! Kent was questioning whether or not I had tricked them all and hadn't put any beans in at all!

Caleb's makeshift crown lol!

Seth finding a bean (after my screening of like 6 rolls lol)

Last day of Christmas decor that we left up for the feast!

Happy Epiphany Day!! Three gifts for each of us and now Christmas is officially over!

Until next Christmastime, God bless us, every one!

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