Wednesday, June 1, 2016

May Homeschooling

Partner Author for this post: Natalie!

We painted some animals. 

Here are Jenna and Seth in the airplane. I wonder what they are doing??

Jenna is doing a strange play. I was backstage. 

This is us doing the Friday Friends book club! 

This is the set up for the American Girl book club that I am in! We hosted it at our house!

Here is me dutifully reading my 50th book of the year! 
(From fb:I am so happy for Natalie! At the beginning of this year she made a goal to read 100 chapter books in 2016. The book she is holding is number 50! She is assigned one chapter book a week as part of school, but the rest she is doing on her own. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to educate my children. To nurture their talents. To support them in their goals. To grow together!) 

Jenna in the dinosaur museum. 

Us with the little cute dinosaur we call Spike!

Us watching the movie about the meteor impact that could have killed the dinosaurs. The animation was so fake!

Us at the farm country. We were trying to feed the animals with grain spilled on the ground. They went crazy when we put the food in their enclosure! 

Us waiting to ride the ponies. 

Ah Seth is so cute!

Jenna wasn't scared about it!

Caleb enjoyed it!

And I did too!

Caleb waiting for his dinosaur volcano to crack open. It was strange. 

This is my American Girl book club! 

This was a fun opera show that we got to go to! It was funny!!

There is Seth attempting to draw my mom's hand. 

Jenna playing on the teeter-toter. 

Jenna and Caleb climbing the jungle gym. 

Jenna by the flowers. She seems to love the color pink, as you can see. 
(From fb: I am so happy for Jenna! Because...well...because I am just happy for her. I mean, look at her. I felt so happy for Natalie with her reading goals and so happy for Caleb with his swimming feat, and today as we walked through the discovery gardens at Thanksgiving Point and I saw Jenna by these beautiful flowers in her adorable "dance class outfit" that she insisted on wearing today even though she doesn't have class and her messy hair and her apple slice she dropped in the dirt but was eating anyway and her pink-lemonade-crocs and I just felt so happy for her that she is who she is and no other reason. It was such a fulfilling feeling that I had to take a picture to help me remember it. I feel honored and blessed to be a mother to these souls who have been entrusted in my care. I am in awe of them. I pray every day to be a good mom, to love them as He loves them, and to nurture them in the ways they need it most. It's a wonderful life!! ‪#‎livingthedream‬)

The hop and balance garden! That one was fun! 

Caleb playing in the sand garden. It wasn't really a garden, but a box. 

Me reading a very interesting book about rocks on the way home from the museum. 

Caleb got his own library card! 

He was thrilled!!

Us getting ready for graduation! I made the hats! (The kids really wanted to do a graduation so we went for it! I'm so glad we did and I'm sure we will continue the tradition for many years to come!)

Me in purple, Caleb in blue, and Jenna in pink, obviously. 

Us at Sweet Tomatoes to celebrate the graduation! 

Seth earned his scroll! (Kent was so creative and played the classic graduation music on his phone for the ceremony, and taught the kids about moving your tassel from one side to the other and then throwing your hats in the air. I am so grateful that he gets into stuff like this because he thinks of things I wouldn't and just makes it more special!)

He graduated from toddler school to preschool!

Jenna got her scroll! She graduated from preschool to T-Kindergarten!

Caleb earned his scroll and is popping his kindergarten balloon! 

He is moving from kindergarten to 1st grade! 

I earned my scroll and popped my balloon! I am moving from the 3rd grade to the 4th grade! 

This is us doing the hats in the air ceremony!

And this is our graduation cake! (Again, thank you Kent! He surprised us and brought it home. Even though he would never have dreamed of pulling our kids out of traditional public school as an option, he is SO SUPPORTIVE of our homeschool now and it means everything to me! And the kids were obviously beyond thrilled!! It was an awesome day!)

This is us at the Field Day with the (now called) Anyday Friends! 

(This was my favorite part- the moms vs. kids tug of war! Just seeing everyone laughing and playing together made my heart sing! I am so grateful to get to associate with these like-minded women- they are AWESOME and SO MUCH FUN!!!)

Us with books from all the author/illustrators we studied this past year! (I am so grateful we did this study! The contributions made by these people to the world are immeasurable, and the joy and learning they have brought to our family in the past year is too. Hooray for family unit studies! Now on to the next year of literature comprehension curriculum plans!!) 

I'm excited for the summer vacation to come!

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